A story of encouragement
Once upon a time, a short time ago, there was a young couple who lived in a small flat.
One day they decided to look for a house of their own. So they wrote a list of everything they wanted in a house, sat down together and prayed over the list, that God would blessed them with the desires of there heart.
A week later they were looking on the internet and found a nice house in their price range. The next day they went to look at this house. It was perfect for the couple it everything on their list and more. The very next day the couple put an offer on the house.
A mortgage broker came over and went over the fine print. Now it was a waiting game. Two days later the mortgage broker came back and said their is no way in hell that the couple will ever get a mortgage. They were devastated. The young girl got on her knees with her face on the ground crying to God. The next day a friend of the family rung another mortgage broker and told them the young couples situation. He said not a problem.
In times of doubt in this two week period of waiting to see if they would get a mortgage, they had words of wisdom spoken to them such as "God is in control" and verses such as Joshua 1:5 'No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will never leave you nor forsake you'
At the end of the two weeks the mortgage broker came back and said you have a mortgage, the house is yours.
The thought that went through the young woman's head, other than praise God was It was said that there was no way in hell they would get a mortgage but hey our God is the God of heaven so beat that.
This is a true story, just to say in times of doubt, worries and trouble. Kneel before God with your face to the floor and if its in God's will he will back you up 1oo%
Praise God
One day they decided to look for a house of their own. So they wrote a list of everything they wanted in a house, sat down together and prayed over the list, that God would blessed them with the desires of there heart.
A week later they were looking on the internet and found a nice house in their price range. The next day they went to look at this house. It was perfect for the couple it everything on their list and more. The very next day the couple put an offer on the house.
A mortgage broker came over and went over the fine print. Now it was a waiting game. Two days later the mortgage broker came back and said their is no way in hell that the couple will ever get a mortgage. They were devastated. The young girl got on her knees with her face on the ground crying to God. The next day a friend of the family rung another mortgage broker and told them the young couples situation. He said not a problem.
In times of doubt in this two week period of waiting to see if they would get a mortgage, they had words of wisdom spoken to them such as "God is in control" and verses such as Joshua 1:5 'No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will never leave you nor forsake you'
At the end of the two weeks the mortgage broker came back and said you have a mortgage, the house is yours.
The thought that went through the young woman's head, other than praise God was It was said that there was no way in hell they would get a mortgage but hey our God is the God of heaven so beat that.
This is a true story, just to say in times of doubt, worries and trouble. Kneel before God with your face to the floor and if its in God's will he will back you up 1oo%
Praise God
At 8:23 PM,
Pastor J said…
"...It was said that there was no way in hell they would get a mortgage but hey our God is the God of heaven so beat that."
That is brilliant! Thank you for those (rather witty) words of encouragement =)
At 7:55 PM,
godsgirl said…
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