Gods comfort
Well with 2 weeks left of my pregnancy everything seems to be falling into place. The babies room is completed except for the wardrobe, my husband 30th is over and done with now all there is to do is wait. Well that would be the easy way to look at things. We have been put in a rather uncomfortable position by a member of our family, this position effects our mortgage and relies on having a good stable financial position, which with one of us due to give birth in the next two weeks and the other on a student allowance doesn't look promising. So other than just about making me go into labour with all the stress I slept on the information and woke up this morning and God directed me to read 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
which in a nut shell says that God is with us and comforts us when we are suffering also suffering brings us closer to God because we learn to rely on him more. Jesus endured the ultimate in suffering so that he could comfort us when we need it and after we have been comforted we can go on and comfort others the same way as Christ comforts us.
I then felt to read 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 which says we must forgive the person who caused the distress and to show them love.
I admit this will be hard to do but in Christ we can do anything
If anyone reads this today I would realy appreciate your prayers as we go and speak to the bank today and try and sort this mess out, and pray the stress doesn't send me into hospital to have the baby too early.
which in a nut shell says that God is with us and comforts us when we are suffering also suffering brings us closer to God because we learn to rely on him more. Jesus endured the ultimate in suffering so that he could comfort us when we need it and after we have been comforted we can go on and comfort others the same way as Christ comforts us.
I then felt to read 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 which says we must forgive the person who caused the distress and to show them love.
I admit this will be hard to do but in Christ we can do anything
If anyone reads this today I would realy appreciate your prayers as we go and speak to the bank today and try and sort this mess out, and pray the stress doesn't send me into hospital to have the baby too early.
At 11:57 PM,
Rayd said…
ask and you shall recieve. you got your prayers.
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