Well worth the wait

Monday at 8.30 in the morning we finally got the phone call to say when the specialist appointment will be, it was at 4.45 that evening. Oh great a whole day of being nervous waiting for this appointment.
Anyway the appointment came and the specialist said there is a 30% chance of having a c-section and a 70% chance of not. The specialist seemed confident that the induction would work and was quite happy to let them go ahead.
Monday night my midwife rung and said the hospital wasn't busy and I could go in whenever we wanted. Warwick said lets go tomorrow, wow tomorrow, so I was booked in. I didn't like the idea of having the induction so soon, I could have waited another day or two (being induced was a scary thought to me).
7.45 on Tuesday morning we were at chch Woman's to meet the midwife, she did an internal exam and said that my cervix still had not effaced. At 8.30 the doctor came in to assess my case. He was not very hopeful, he said they will only try the gel twice then see if I go into labour over night if not I was to be booked in for a c-section first thing Wednesday morning.
After the doctor left I just lay on the bed and didn't say anything, I was quite disappointed. My midwife inserted the gel and put me on the monitors, within ten minutes I felt a tightening, all of a sudden I perked up.
At 11.00 Warwick went to get some lunch and my midwife went to visit another client (thinking we were in for the long hall). Of course while I was by myself labour really kicked in, Warwick came back in the room to find me doubled over in pain. At 12.45 I was 3 cm dialated, that was when I decided to get an epidural (in my mind I still had hours to go cos it took 13 hours to dialate the rest of the way with Alyssa). By the time the epidural was in but still wasn't working I felt this amazing urge to push. To everyone's surprise I was fully dialated at 13.35.
Georgia was born by ventouse at 2.26pm, which means I had a vaginal delivery and a labour that only lasted 3 hours.
Praise God
The picture is of my two girls Alyssa and Georgia
At 9:13 PM,
godsgirl said…
AMEN!! So glad everyone is fine and that you got the delivery u wanted. *HUGS*
At 11:20 PM,
If not for Christ said…
She is beautiful!!! So tiny, yet so perfect! It was so special to have a hold of her on Sunday.
At 10:20 PM,
Rayd said…
such a cute picture!!!
It will be a treasure to show that to your girls in 10years time.
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