
Saturday, January 13, 2007

Something to think about

Is anyone ever truly 100% happy and if so how long are they happy before their world comes crashing down around them?

The new year seems to bring much of the same, working, looking after children and yeah more working, it feels as though it never stops.
I sometimes wish that I could just jump on a plane and go away for a while just me, no work, no kids and no worries. Leave all the things behind like money issues and everything else, and just enjoy myself and not have to worry about looking after other people and just worry about me.

Ah but dreams are free!

Another thing, is anyone ever satisfied with what they have or are we always wanting more.
More money, more clothes, more trips over seas, more children......
And if we were satisfied with what we have and don't want more, would we be happier people? Is it the wanting more that makes us unhappy or unsatisfied?
Or are they just excuses so that we have a reason not to be happy?
Are people scared to be truly happy?
Cos that means that they have nothing to complain about and oh no they wont get any attention that way.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

In search of sunshine

Woke up on Saturday to a cold rainy and miserable day. For once I had no work on Saturday and neither did some of my friends.
two words
road trip
so we took to cars and went on a mission to find sunshine
and we succeeded we ended up in Greymouth and it was beautiful
we had pizza on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine until we had to leave
and come home to a cold and damp Christchurch.
It was great to get out of the city and see the beautiful scenery through the Arthurs pass, the water falls and shadows on the trees.
well worth the trip.
cant wait till me next weekend off and the next road trip.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Life has been busy, I have my old job back at St Ives but this time i am working in the hospital wing and loving it but i am working 4 days on 2 days off so it means i am never home to bath, feed and put my kids to bed and I miss out on so much of them. But what else can you do when you need money.

I had a good but quiet Christmas spending the morning with some freinds then had tea with the family. It was the first Christmas without my Nana and she wasn't mentioned. I think it is still a sore point for alot of my family. I miss her so much.
New years was spent watching the most amazing sunset, gettin the car stuck in the sand, going to the square, then losing the plot at a park and throwing a guy in to the garden. All in all a great night.

To be honest i don't know what i want out of 2007 but i have a few issues to work through